Overview of Features
Brand’s Apollo Mobility solutions deliver a number of key features and benefits to the mobile user and are helping provide true mobility connectivity over any network.
• Session management - providing reliable IP connectivity including the ability to ride out loss of connections and coverage – a true Brand innovation.
• Seamless Roaming – having the ability to move between different wireless access environments seamlessly without user intervention.
• Compression / TCP Optimisation
• Military grade VPN that can secure unreliable wide area connections without the constant need to remake connections when they fail.
• Secure Mobility -Authentication, with full certificate based single sign-on.
• Support for ‘push’ as a solution in the form of a LAN extension – Apollo has the ability to cause the client to make a GPRS connection from a central point.
• Content Optimisation – incorporating a application layer optimizer.
• System and device management: Brand’s customer care management system is designed for carriers or large enterprise implementations and provides a host of information such as device type PC/PDA, operating system version, Brand Apollo client versions, phone type and version, WLAN/LAN card type and version, location based information, volume of data moved plus many other parameters. This information is captured on a real time basis and is network independent. The solution also has full SNMP management.
• Location Based Services: An integral GPS/GIS positioning transport means that users do not need additional applications. It also has a WiFi positioning mechanism so that the service owner can know at any time what AP a user is connected to. It also has a CELLid location based system where a service provider can see from the customer care what base station a user can see at any time.
• Multiple concurrent, active data sessions - GPRS/3G and WiFi, for example.
• Messaging transport and API: this can deliver popup messages or browser pages on the client screen initiated by the carrier at any time based on location, activity or random. It can also be used for emergency services for informing individuals or informing all of an event.
• Layer 2 VPN Mobility - Encryption of VLANS – Brand is a genuine layer 2 product which can be configured as an advanced router, or in its switched mode, a Cisco ILS or standard 802.1Q trunk.